With so many designs available, there has never been a more exciting time than now to select a bath.

You may already have your eye on a particular design for your bathroom renovation, however it’s important to know exactly how much space you have to play with, in addition to any weight restrictions that may apply, before finalising your design.

So, to assist you in selecting the perfect bath for both your bathroom layout and lifestyle, we’ll take you through the key designs and surfaces:

Bath designs:

+ freestanding
+ back to wall freestanding
+ island
+ shower/four tile flange

Bath surfaces:

+ acrylic
+ steel
+ stone

Bath Design
Freestanding Bath Design
From creating a statement to complementing the rest of your bathroom, the flexibility and luxury of freestanding baths make them a popular design choice. These are available from 1,400mm and can also feature dual reclining ends.
Back to Wall Freestanding Bath Design
Ideal for small bathrooms, back to wall freestanding baths provide you with the luxurious look of a freestanding bath while saving on space as it sits against the wall.
Island Design
Practicality for everyday living while also accommodating a long luscious soak, island baths are built into a tiled island providing extra room around the bath to use as you need.
Shower/Four Tile Flange
Featuring a lip around the edging that helps keep the water in, shower/four tile flange baths are a great solution if you are considering a combined bath/shower design, especially in a small bathroom.
Bath Surfaces
Acrylic Bath Surfaces
Durable and excellent at retaining heat, acrylic is the perfect bath surface for those who love a long soak. It is also the most popular bath surface for families.
Steel Bath Surfaces
Durable, stylish, scratch and impact resistant, steel baths are a great alternative to acrylic, making them a popular choice for those with busy lifestyles.
Stone Bath Surfaces
The ultimate design statement for any bathroom renovation, stone baths are in equal parts smooth as they are luxurious. However due to their natural material, they can also be very heavy (up to 150kg without water) and stain easily, making them an ideal choice for a single level master ensuite.

At MW Homes, our team will discuss your bath design and surface preferences with you, in addition to providing some new ideas based on our extensive renovation and bathroom makeover experience. We’ll then work together to finalise and create the perfect bathroom for your lifestyle.

For more information on the six key bathroom renovating elements: colour, bath, shower, vanity, light, fixtures and fittings, read our Bathroom Renovating 101 Guide.

For inspiration and ideas take a look at our Bathroom Renovation Gallery.


Email: office@mwhomes.com.au

Phone: 1300 271 429

Office :  Suite 510, 737 Burwood Road
Hawthorn East 3123
(By Appointment)

Mail: PO BOX 449, Canterbury, VIC 3126



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